Main view


On the O&O Syspectr start page you get an overview of your computers, computer groups and current events as well their status and operating system. You can see at a glance which systems have generated Warnings or Problems.


This gives you an overview of your computers, their online status and the number of open/new events. A bar diagram gives you a history of the last nine days.


On the startpage your favorite computers and groups are displayed. If you add a new computer to your account it is automatically marked as a favorite. In settings you can configure this and add or remove as you please.

stream All Computers takes you to an overview of all your systems. Using the plus field

add you can add a new computer to your account.

News and Changelog

Here you get the latest news surrounding O&O Syspectr.

Current events

A list of new and open events that require your attention. You can mark them as read or deleted to remove them from the list.

stream All events brings you to an overview of all events.

Status messages

O&O Syspectr can display the following:

ERROR Problem (red) - At least one major Problem exists. This has priority over Warnings!

WARNING Warning (yellow) - At least one Warning exists.

OK OK (green) - No existing messages.

PROGRESS Hourglass (blue) - An hourglass indicates that the information from that computer is currently being obtained and processed.

Navigation bar

In the top navigation bar you can recognize by the Online Symbol ONLINE how many computers are online. By clicking on the symbol you come to the statistics page which contains valuable information on your computer and operating system.